UPDATED October 29, 2012….some small schedule changes.

We had expected last year to be a growing year for track events…but we had no clue it would get to the high rate of activity it did near the end of the year in 2011. We were almost at the track every week.

So, to say that this year will be unlike any other year in our history would be redundant, but it will be just that. Isn’t that GREAT! The number of customers we have participating with us just continues to grow and grow. We did a large number of events in 2011, but 2012 will see us expand into more diverse and even farther away events and locations (we already have a tentative set of dates for Montreal and Toronto to participate in the support events for the Canadian F1 race, thank goodness we don’t award frequent miles driven awards). We also have a contingent of customers who continue to move up in their driving experience, and are looking for more serious forms of participation, so we are adding those type events to the schedule for 2012…..but all of it is for FUN.

Here is a quick snapshot of the outlook for 2012. In 2011, we were able to do a fair number of events at Laguna Seca still, but Laguna continues to crack down on sound, further restricting the number of events that clubs and driving groups can use the track in 2012. So we have to alter our track and event focus again for 2012. On the other side, Hooked On Driving has secured a weekend date at Miller Motorsport Park in Utah again, and we already have customers who have committed to returning to this great venue….this is a world class location,….this is one of the biggest and most technical tracks in all of North America….Woo Hoo, we will be there. Infineon (Sonoma now) has made more club dates available, so there will be more events there than last year, but we will also be going father distances to try more new tracks and events (like Fontana, Spring Mountain, Buttonwillow, Willow Springs).

Due to the number of events, and the growth of our shop and core service business, 2012 will see us focus more of our event activity to those available on weekend events rather than one day events during the week. The logistics of transporting all our customers cars along with all the supplies, tires, wheels (heck, we now have 56 wheels that we are managing for customers track cars) has made going to an event an event in and of itself. But make no mistake….we love the activity and will grow in 2012 to support even more.

We will also be stepping up the performance event participation, and have set the goal for ourselves of taking the title of top Time Trialer in the POC group for 2012, both at individual events, and for the whole year. Based on our results at the end of 2011, we think we can do it, but it may be our own customers who challenge us the most.

Finally, as part of our overall business development, in 2011 we continued our staff participation as dedicated crew members of the GMG American Le Mans team, and we will be expanding our participation and experience at the pro level in 2012.

Come out and join us at any and all levels, and if the initial interest and inquiries from our customers about 2012 is any indication, this will be a very busy year. The schedule below will be under a constant state of change, so check back all the time, and if you are interested in an event and don’t see it detailed below, and desire our participation, please reach out to us so we can discuss the opportunity. I’m sure we will find a way to make more dates work.

February 11-12, 2012– Sat/Sunday–Willow Springs Porsche Owners Club (DONE)

February 17, 2012–Friday only–Thunderhill– PCA GGR (DONE)

February 18, 2012 –Saturday only–Thunderhill–Hooked On Driving (DONE)

March 10 – 11, 2012 –Sat/Sunday–Spring Valley– Porsche Owners Club (DONE)

March 23 – 25, 2012–Fri/Sat/Sunday — Thunderhill– PCA GGR (DONE)

April 20 – 22, 2012–Fri/Sat/Sunday– Fontana PCA SDR (DONE)

April 28 – 29, 2012–Fri/Sat/Sunday–Infineon –Ferrari Challenge (DONE)

May 26 – 27, 2012–Sat/ Sunday — Buttonwillow–PCA GGR (DONE)

June 1 – 3, 2012 — Fri/Sat/Sunday — Fontana– Porsche Owners Club (DONE)

June 16 – 17, 2012–Sat/Sunday– Infineon–Porsche Racing Club (PRC) (DONE)

June 30 – July 1, 2012–Fri/Sat/Sunday –Laguna– SpeedVentures (DONE)

July 14 – 15, 2012 –Sat/Sunday — Thunderhill– PCA GGR (DONE)

July 21 – 22, 2012–Sat/Sunday– Miller– Hooked On Driving (DONE)

August 11 -12, 2012–Sat/Sunday– Thunderhill–NCRC (Cup Car testing by BRR customers)(DONE)

August 24 – 26, 2012–Fri/Sat/Sunday– Laguna– Porsche Owners Club (DONE)

Sept 7 – 9, 2012–Fri/Sat/Sunday– Thunderhill– HOD & PCA GGR (DONE)

Sept 29 – 30, 2012–Sat/Sunday– Fontana– Porsche Owners Club (DONE)

Oct 13 – 14, 2012 –Sat/Sunday– Laguna Seca — Porsche Owners Club, Pirelli Pro Race? (DONE)

Oct 27 – 28, 2012–Fri/Sat/Sunday–Infineon — Porsche Owners Club & PRC, NASA TT (DONE)

Nov 19-21, 2012– Mon/Tues/Weds– Laguna– PCA GGR

Dec 1-2, 2012–Sat/Sunday– Willow Springs–Porsche Owners Club


Competition events (to participate in, or to also attend as fans)

April 13- 14, 201– Weekend–Long Beach– American Le Mans

May 10 – 12, 2012–Weekend– Laguna Seca–American Le Mans

Sept 7 – 9, 2012– Weekend– Laguna Seca– Rolex Grand-Am Series (AST sponsor of series)

Sept 21 – 23, 2012–Weekend– Infineon– FIA World Touring Car


Let us know if you have other events that you want to attend and or need track support.